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LNB Inverto Single Long Neck RED
Specifically designed for the European DTH markets, this LNB provides optimized reception capabilities. It enables the reception of signals from one satellite and its distribution to a Set Top Box with Single Tuner.
повеќеLNB Inverto Single Black Premium
This high-end LNB was specially selected from our production line and sets new standards of quality and reliability. This LNB enables the reception of signals from one satellite and its distribution to a Set Top Box with Single Tuner.
повеќеLNB Inverto Black Multiconnect Dielectric
This innovative LNB was specifically designed for installations that make use of several LNBs on a satellite dish antenna.
повеќеLNB Inverto Black Ultra High-Gain
This LNB is a high performance product featuring the lowest noise figure available to address the need for superior reception under the edges of the satellite footprint skirt.
повеќеГ-држач за ѕид
Material - Steel,
Tube diameter - 42x1.50 mm,
Height - 250 mm,
Length - 450 mm,
Plate size - 150x150x4