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Сателитска опрема
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CATV опрема
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Опрема за дигитална станица
ЗОРА ДОО ви стои на располагање за понатамошна поддршка
Waterproof pigtail SC/APC four core 3m
SC/APC four core 3m
Low Insertion loss
High anti-loss
Good waterproof
0.00 ден.
0.00 еур.
Fiber Optic Splice Closure GPJM3-RS – 24 cores
Max. Capacity: 24 fibber Number of trays: 6 fibbers, 4 ports with 4 small round port with diameter 7 mm-22 mm and 1 large oval port with max diameter 24 mm, heat-shrinkable sealing structure
повеќе0.00 ден.
0.00 еур.
Fiber Optic Splice Closure GPJM5-RS - 48 cores
Max. Capacity: 48 fibber Number of trays: 12 fibbers, 4 ports with 4 small round port with diameter 7 mm-22 mm and 1 large oval port with max diameter 24 mm, heat-shrinkable sealing structure
повеќе0.00 ден.
0.00 еур.
Fiber Optic Splice Closure GJS03A - 96 cores
Max. Capacity: 96 fibber Number of trays: 24 fibbers, 4 ports with 4 small round port with diameter 7 mm-22 mm and 1 large oval port with max diameter 24 mm, heat-shrinkable sealing structure
повеќе0.00 ден.
0.00 еур.
Fiber Optic Splice Closure GJS03S-JF – 144 cores
Max. Capacity: 144 fibber Number of trays: 36 fibbers, 4 ports with 4 small round port with diameter 7 mm-22 mm and 1 large oval port with max diameter 24 mm, heat-shrinkable sealing structure
повеќе0.00 ден.
0.00 еур.